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Events for 2024

Making a difference with great events you can take part in.

Sign up and become a supporter to this great Foundation.

Terms and Conditions

You are providing your email address to facilitate the registration process and receive email updates up until the event and feedback after the event. We may also use it to email you if there are technical issues with the registration process. We will only process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, as detailed on our website. You may object to our use of your personal data by contacting us on the contact form on the website. 

Waivers and Agreements



Please read the following waivers and agreements carefully. They include releases of liability and a waiver of legal rights, and deprive you of the ability to sue certain parties. By agreeing electronically, you acknowledge that you have both read and understood all the text presented to you as part of the registration process.


I agree to the Active Agreement and Waiver


I agree to the Forever 32 2024 walk - Conditions of Entry, including the minimum £100 (32km), £75 (10km), £50 (5km) sponsorship target. 


I agree to be contacted after the event for communications in relation to up and coming events that the Kirsty Louise Streek Foundation may be organising. 


Forever 32 Conditions of Entry

These Conditions of Entry serve as a binding contract between ‘the Organiser’; Kirsty Louise Streek Foundation, charity number 1204862 currently of 182 Botley Road, Burridge, So31 1BL and ‘you / your’ as ‘the / a Participant’ (as named on ‘the Registration Form’ and having paid the appropriate ‘Registration Fee’). Full details of the Event, can be found in the launch video, along with these terms and conditions. Further instructions on how to prepare will be emailed out before the event. 


To participate in the Event, you acknowledge, you accept, you agree, and where relevant you authorise, the following:

1. Entering the Event

(a) The Event will involve prolonged physical exertion. You must be satisfied that you are sufficiently healthy, fit and well prepared to take on your chosen distance, and that there are no current or historical medical conditions which would, or should, or might, reasonably preclude your participation. If in any doubt you must consult your Doctor before completing the online Registration Form. You must declare any significant health conditions, or serious allergies, on the medical declaration section of the Registration Form. You must update your medical declaration on the Registration Form should your medical condition significantly change, or deteriorate, prior to the Event, and if that change is deemed sufficiently serious, you must consult your Doctor, and contact the Organiser directly via email if you have any doubts about your suitability to participate within the Event. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse or suspend your entry if in the professional opinion of its your participation could endanger your wellbeing or put you at serious risk.

(b) You must not arrive at the Event unless you are well enough to do so, or if you are displaying any symptoms of any disease, infection or illness that could reasonably be assumed to be of a danger to others associated with the Event, or that you have been asked to isolate by an authorised body. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to the Event, or to an Event venue, if in the professional opinion a Participant, or any other person, is not sufficiently well and healthy. 

(c) The Event will involve walking over varied ground conditions and terrain, including: trails, footpaths, bridleways, slopes, pavements, and roads – which may be affected by the prevailing weather conditions and can lead to mud, standing water, and slippery surfaces - and that you may also be required to cross styles, navigate flights of steps, and avoid an array of natural and manmade obstacles which may exist along the route. It is your responsibility to be as alert as reasonably possible at all times along the Event’s route, and at rest stops, for the identification of potential hazards, and to do nothing which is likely diminish your level of alertness, or preparedness - or that of another Participant.

(d) On the date of the Event you must be: at least 18 years old to participate within the ‘full’ challenge 32km. If participants under the age of 18 want to take on either the 10km or 5km, they must be accompanied by an adult at all times. 

(e) You must sign-up via the online Registration Form and pay the appropriate Registration Fee.The Registration Fees are as set out on the Event Website at the time of registering and are payable online. The Registration Fee may be discounted by the Organiser in respect of promotional offers from time to time.

(f) You will receive a confirmation email once you have successfully registered on to the Event, and you should keep this as your proof of purchase.

(g)If a card payment made by you, or on behalf of you, in respect of the Registration Fee, fails or is blocked for whatever reason, at any time prior to the Event, your entry may be cancelled immediately and you may have to complete a new Registration Form to join the Event, and make a new and appropriate payment in order to take part. 

(h)You accept the terms associated with the appropriate ‘Minimum Fundraising Target of £100 (32km), £75 (10km), £50 (5km) sponsorship target. 

(I) The Organiser will contact you via email, or by phone if on the day, mail or other appropriate mechanism in respect of the Event Forever 32 walk and you will supply the Organiser with information as may be reasonably requested from time to time in respect of your participation in the Event in an accurate and timely manner. You also agree that the Organiser may contact you via an appropriate mechanism in relation to other similar events operated by the Organiser under its ‘legitimate interest’ in you as an Forever 32 walk customer and supporter of the Kirsty Louise Streek Foundation, or until such time that you request, by emailing the Organiser or opting out as advised, that no further contact should be made.

(j)If your email address changes from the one you entered into the online Registration Form at the time of registration, it is your responsibility to contact the Organiser with details of your new email contact address. Failure to do so will lead to you missing important communication updates in respect of the Event. Other personal details changes should be kept current and accurate by you via the contact form on the website. 

(k) Limited and relevant data components within your Registration Form will be sent, by the Organiser, to competent third parties for the purpose of Event timing, safety, and other control purposes. 

(l)You will act responsibly, honestly and legally at all times in respect of your participation in the Event and during the time leading up to it, and will not bring through your actions to the Event, the Organiser, other Participants, and if applicable the Kirsty Louise Streek Foundation. 

(m)You will abide by the ‘Event Rules’ as will be stipulated in further communication. The Organiser reserves the right to remove you from, or to preclude you starting within, the Event or any event within the Series or operated by the Organiser - if they believe that your participation might endanger other participants, employees, or agents of the Organiser or any other third party that is rightfully associated with the Event, or if the Organiser reasonably believes that your presence may bring the Events’ reputation into disrepute, or may result in illegal or anti-social activity, or that in the reasonable opinion of the ‘First Aider’ you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

(n)You accept that there will be ‘cut off times’ in place on the Event, which represent the latest time that you would have to have exited a specific rest stop and embarked on the next stage, and you accept and agree that failure to meet the schedule of any of the published cut off times means that your participation in the Event will either be terminated by the Organiser, or that the Organiser has the right to arrange to move you forwards at their discretion. If you ignore the Organiser’s instructions relating to the termination of your participation, or forward movement, you fully accept and agree that the Organiser has no further responsibility of any kind towards you from that point in time onwards.

(o)You will not encourage, request, allow, or enable any person who is not a Participant to join up with you, or to shadow you, on the Event course, at the Event rest stops, or on any part of the Event; and that if you do so, and therefore ignore this condition of entry, the Organsier reserves the right to terminate your participation within the Event as soon as it becomes apparent, and then will withdraw all of its support, hospitality, and logistics services at that point in time, with no subsequent refund or partial refund of any Registration or any fees that may have been paid by you, or on behalf of you in respect of the Event. If the Organiser terminates your participation in the Event because of this reason, the Organsier also reserves the right to ban you from participating in any subsequent event operated by the Organsier, and in that instance you would only receive any refund on other events booked in line with the published cancellation policy, and on the basis as if you had triggered the cancellation yourself.

(p) Subject to clause 8(b) below, your place on the Event is not transferable to a third party. If the Organiser discovers that your place has been unofficially transferred to a third party, that third party will be immediately cancelled from the Event, with no further services offered from that point in time onwards, and no refunds made in respect of the Registration Fee or any Optional Extras; you would also be banned from taking part in any other event operated by the Organiser - and in that instance you would only receive any refund on other events booked in line with the published cancellation policy, and on the basis as if you had triggered the cancellation yourself.

(q)You will abide by any reasonable guidelines that the Organiser may implement on the Event in respect of ‘hygiene procedures’ associated with minimising the likely spread any infection or disease.

(r) You accept that you participate within the Event entirely at your own risk. You understand and accept that participation within outdoor endurance events on public footpaths, bridleways, pavements and roads involves inherent risks of injury, accidents, trips, slips, exhaustion, dehydration, variable weather, exposure to inclement weather conditions, potentially getting lost, and exposure to other participants and third parties who may well not fully respect the Event rules or accepted event etiquette, or any hygiene type guidelines that have been communicated or are widely accepted as being reasonable and normal practice.

(s)You must arrive at the Event fully prepared with suitable kit, equipment, and water supplies.If in the reasonable opinion of the Organiser you are not sufficiently well prepared, and have therefore ignored the advice or rules set out for the Event, the Organiser reserves the right to suspend you entry on to the Event until you demonstrate that you have rectified the shortcomings, and If you fail to do so, or refuse to do so, your place on the Event will be cancelled by the Organiser at that point in time, with no subsequent refund or partial refund of any Registration Fee, or any fees that may have been paid by you, or on behalf of you.

(t)The Organiser reserves the right to use photographs or video type footage taken on the Event that may include you, or anyone else on land occupied by the Event, for digital marketing, on-line material, print marketing, and advertising. Should you wish not to provide this, please use the contact form to communicate this. 

(u)Relevant details obtained by the Organiser’s Medical Team or ‘Safety Team’ whilst you are on the Event, and in respect of any treatment, consultation or diagnosis that was given to you whilst on the Event, will be recorded and consolidated for the purposes of the Organiser, or their Medical Team, contacting you after the Event if required to check on your well-being, to support any insurance related claim or investigation, and to produce any operational statistics relating to the Event as may be reasonably required, or to pass to any official Government Agency if the Organiser is reasonably requested, or required, to do so.


2. Event Information & Contact

(a) After registering on to the Event you will be provided with relevant updates via emails. 

(b) The Organiser will contact you by email at certain times leading up to the Event with more details, instructions, or advice – and it is your responsibility to ensure that the Organiser has your latest and current email address, and that emails sent by the Organiser are not being channeled to your spam / junk inbox.


3. Charity Fundraising Options (if applicable) – Full Sponsorship, Mixed Funding, and Own Place Fundraising

(a) By registering via this option you make a commitment to the Kirsty Louise Streek Foundation that you will reach your ‘Minimum   Fundraising Target’ of £100 (32km), £75 (10km), £50 (5km) sponsorship target. 

(b) The cost of you taking part in the Event is the Registration Fee which includes VAT at the standard rate, any processing fees and the costs occurred to organise the event. 

(c) All fundraising monies should be paid to the Charity via bank transfer within the window of a week before the event and a week of the event finishing.The bank details will be provided in timely manner before the event. Your reference should be F32 and your name.

(d) Should you not be able to take up your place on the Event, or chose not to for whatever reason, the Registration Fee is non refundable. All sponsorship collected up until this point, should be returned to the sponsors, unless they wish otherwise and for it to be donated to the Kirsty Louise Streek Foundation.

(e) If you choose to change the distance that you want to take on in the Event, there will be no cost, but you must give at least 1 weeks notice. 


4. Itinerary Changes

(a) The itinerary, and associated services, for the Event are as set out on the Event Website, and the Organiser reserves the right to make any reasonable changes at any time in order to ensure that the Event is operated safely, legally, and responsibly. Should there be a significant and material change prior to the Event taking place, which is not a result of a force majeure type circumstance (and this does not include any reasonable change to the Event’s published route in any circumstances) then the Organiser will inform you as soon as is practicable.

(b) In force majeure type circumstances, the Organiser shall not be liable for any delay or being prevented from performing its obligations of providing the services and itinerary if such delay or prevention is caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control; including, but not limited to: an act of God, flooding, abnormally inclement weather, terrorism, civil disturbance, military operation, epidemic, quarantine, accident, failure of power supply, railway cancellation or disruption, ferry cancellation of disruption, airline cancellation or disruption, strike, lockout, trade dispute, unwarranted withdrawal of any licence or permit by any competent authority, and any other events including emergencies and non-emergencies that could not have been reasonably foreseen by the Organiser. In such force majeure circumstances, which result in an itinerary change the Organiser is not obliged to refund the Registration Fee if you choose not to take up your place, or are unable to. Should the event need to be cancelled, a new date would be provided as soon as practically possible and this will be communicated. 

(c) The Organiser does not make any payments compensating for losses or other costs you incur in the case of an itinerary change, and does not accept liability for any delays in your travel or Event departure arrangements, or for any reasonable and proportional changes to the Event itinerary in circumstances of Force Majeure.


5.Cancellation by the Organiser

(a) The Organiser reserves the right to cancel the Event for any valid operational reason.

(b) In force majeure type circumstances, as described in clause 7(b) above, which result in the cancellation of the Event, the Organiser is not obliged to refund the full Registration Fee; however the registration will act as a submission to the rescheduled walk date. 

(c) The Organiser will not make any payments compensating for losses or costs you may incur in the case of cancellation of the Event, and we exclude and limit all such liability to the full extent permitted under law.

(d) If the Event is cancelled, any sponsorship or fundraising collected in relation to the Event must be returned to the sponsors  The arrangements for any refunds to donors are strictly between the sponsor and you.


6.The Organisers’ obligations to you

(a) The Organiser will provide medical and other support teams on the Event, and the prime role of these support teams will be to deal with genuine medical emergencies as their first priority, as they arise. You must bring your own small personal medical kit and follow the equipment and clothing advice or rules as issued.

(b) The Organiser will provide an emergency ration of water on the Event, and it is your responsibility to remain fed and hydrated. 

(c) Whilst a route map will be issued electronically, it is your responsibility not to get lost and you must carry a fully charged mobile phone whilst on the Event. The Organiser will manage the exit of participants who drop-out from the Event, having started it, in a way that they deem is correct, safe and relevant for the overall management of the Event. You are advised to have a friend or relative that you can contact in case you choose to exit from the Event prior to the finish.

(d) The Organiser is only obliged to cover your transport arrangements to exit the Event, at any point once the Event has started, if you are deemed medically unfit to make your own arrangements. In this instance, you will be transported to the nearest Event Rest Stop, medical facility, or other location deemed suitable by the Organiser and their medical staff.

(e)The Organiser excludes and limits all other liability to the extent permitted under law and damages are not payable where any failure to perform the contract is due neither to any fault on the part of the Organiser or a supplier of any part of your arrangements associated with the Event, or is attributable to you or unforeseen or unavoidable actions of a third party unconnected with the provision of services associated with the Event, or a force majeure circumstances beyond the Organiser’s control.


7. Insurance
You understand and accept that Personal liability and Personal Accident Insurance is NOT included in the cost of the Event, and therefore you must take out your own policy if you wish to have such insurance cover in place.


8.Law and jurisdiction
These Conditions of Entry shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute which may arise between the parties concerning these terms and conditions shall be determined by the English Courts. If any provisions of these Conditions of Entry is held to be invalid or unenforceable, all other remaining provisions (in full or in part) shall continue to be valid.


By entering my name below, I assert that I have reviewed and agree to all of the waivers and agreements that I have selected above.

Electronic signature


Our generous sponsors for 2025
Fiander Tovell logo.jpg
liquid friday.jpg
MKG Building Services.jpg
Able Steel.jpg

Registered Charity No 1204862

Stephen and Stuart.jpg
carrington west.jpg
hampahire steels.png
Macro Fabrications.jpg
Solent Sealants.jpg

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