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Imogen's Story


10 Jul 2024

KLSF are happy to support Imogen as she battle's her diagnosis with Ewing's Sarcoma. Her wig has made her feel like her old self again and made a huge difference in what is still a very challenging time.

At the age of 17 in February 2022, I was learning to drive and experienced a week of very intense pain that then subsided. In May, I experienced the same pain and this time went to the doctors where I was prescribed painkillers and advised to have some physio. One physio thought mild scoliosis and a weak glute. The pain went away after 2 weeks and for the rest of the year I only experienced mild pain and discomfort a few times.

In January 2023, when I was studying for my A-Level mocks, the pain returned the worst it had ever been. I went back to the doctors and was prescribed even stronger painkillers. This episode lasted about 2 weeks. The doctor then referred me for an x-ray and more physio. I tried to build up strength and kept active going to the gym. By the time I went to Musculoskeletal clinic, the pain had subsided and the physio said I was ok to carry on strengthening my glute and hip. In August, the pain returned but not so intensely and I thought I had just pulled a muscle.

I went to University in September 2023 and despite going to the gym felt my leg was very weak and I could not run on it. At this point I went to Bupa privately and had another appointment with a physio who referred me to a hip specialist. By October I was walking with a bit of a limp and by December the pain had got very bad again and I was struggling to walk. The hip consultant referred me for an MRI at the start of January 2024. The pain over the Christmas period was very very bad and I was using crutches to get around. Once I had the MRI, my parents and I met with a consultant and he gave us the news that he suspected that it was Sarcoma. He referred us to the Oxford University Hospital. A few days later, before our planned consultation with the Sarcoma team, the tumor caused a pathological break to my left femur and I was admitted to hospital in Oxford immediately. After a biopsy I received my diagnosis of EWING'S SARCOMA.

I have just completed cycle 10 of 14 cycles and then am off to London for Proton Beam therapy for 6 weeks. I will then have a full hip replacement at the end of September 2024 but I plan to be back to University in January 2025.

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